
Frank Rants #38

This post was taken from my other site because some of the viewers that come here wanted to know what I thought about Mr. Frank, so I made it a little easy on my readers to see it on both by just coping what I had on the other one and putting it here.
I have heard of this gentleman but have not had the time to read his articles or watch his videos. Today was the day that I did both, I agree with him 100%. LeBron James is a leader and those of you out there that think the Cavaliers were losers because they didn't win can kiss my butt. Name me another youngster that helped carry a team to the finals as remarkable as James did.
Kobe Bryant is a moron in some aspects, his indecisive nature as to stay or go is getting a bit annoying. T.O. went from team to team and easily won the "Complainer" award. Looks like Bryant isn't too far away from taking that title.
US Open...
It's called the US Open, you would think that we would of had a winner by now but noooo we keep falling behind.
Frank great job and I hope to catch more of your rants.

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