
Managed Inventory...

I run a mid-sized inventory warehouse that contains a multitude of parts. We have many customers that need parts as soon as possible. Our current system could use something like IMS. I have been running the inventory for my company for over seven years and we haven't tried anything different because we figured if it has worked for us this far then it must be OK to continue.Looking through their site I have learned that they not only can save you money on many unnecessary steps when it comes to inventory counts and management but they do all that during your working hours without interrupting you or your employees. We have been looking into incorporating a barcode and scanning process to our inventory but haven't decided on a final system yet - I believe that IMS can solve a lot of our problems. IMS also provides training with every service sold, not many companies offer that kind of service with your purchase. IMS is highly recognized as well as utilized by many companies like Ben and Jerry's, American Bank, Datatel and more. The companies mention enjoyed the fixed asset software that IMS provided. Click here to read the many letters from their clients that have been sent to IMS thanking them for the needed help. Stop delaying and give them a look and see for yourself the extra time and money you will save but trying their thirty day trial.

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