This post comes to you with a heavy heart on my part. This morning I was late for work because I drove my youngest daughter to school, while waiting at the light I watched a kid run across the street without looking both ways before crossing. I watched as the kid hit the front of the car flipped onto the hood and then onto the pavement, it happened so quickly that most of the people waiting in the same line didn't even notice what had happened. I don't know the extent of the injuries that the child had suffered but I do know that the kid is not going to be attending school anytime soon. I know that most kids love the first day of school - the new friends to make, the old ones to see again and the preparation of a brand new school year. Parents please use this morning's event to re-educate your children of the proper methods of crossing a street as well as the other safety tips. My heart goes out to the family of that child, I am praying for a speedy recovery so that the family can live on in a happy state of mind again.
1 comment:
This is so sad. Yes the parents are to blame but drivers also need to be more cautious. Please check out my PSA on Toledo Speaks Out
a little bit of caution may have prevented this from happening.
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