
Friday Feast 143 is served...

Tell about a time when you had to be brave.
I was about fifteen and a friend of mine wanted me to accompany him to Rhode Island so that he can settle some issues with his ex-wife. Well when we got there he had a discussion with her and some of his buddies kept giving him beers to drink so that he wouldn't act stupid (beer makes him very calm and slow). I was talking to some guys and before I knew it he had downed about 13 cans. We had to get back to Connecticut that same afternoon but when we reached the exit ramp he began swirving from side to side. I told him to pull over so that I can get us home safe. Now mind you - I did not have a license at the time let alone driving experience so the thought of getting home safe was rather scary. The vehicle was what some guys call a "Man's Van". This thing in my eyes was huge and not easily driveable. Well to make a long story short we got home safe and he and I had a long discussion on the lack of responsibility on his part. I did not want him to get pulled over because of his history with the local cops in Rhode Island.

Which upcoming movie are you excited about seeing?
Well I guess it would have to SpiderMan 3. It was 300 but things didn't line up and things were a little hectic then.

Name an item you try to always have on hand.
My sanity, between work, the family drama and some of the political bs in this town I try to have some of that handy at all times.

Main Course
Imagine the most relaxing room you can think of. Now describe it!
I really don't have such a room in mind but when ever I'm with my wife any room becomes relaxing.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being highest), how spiritual or religious are you?
I'm about an 8.

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