

Where do I start. This story still gives me the chills every-time I think about it. I don't think this story is as good as the 1408 Movie but I'll give it a try. A friend of mine told me once that when he was younger that he had a dream/nightmare that he was enjoying a wonderful day at the park with his family and friends playing games and listening to music. He remembers seeing his mom at a distance asking him to please get up and stop playing around. He of course being a teenager he didn't listen and began messing around some more. Now his sister approaches him and tells him the same thing, he finds it weird that his sister would say something like that. He brushed it off and continued to play around some more. Now he was really concerned as to what he was doing because now his brother was telling to please stop acting silly. This brought my friend's attention to a complete focus. He then remembers laying on the ground looking up at the sky laughing and having a good time. Not too long fter that wonderful feeling he notices his mom, sister and brother stand over him smiling, the smiles did not last long because soon after he noticed that they began to cry. He kept telling them I'm fine, I'll get up in a minute I'm just resting. The next thing he sees is some sort of door closing above him, it didn't take long for him to realize that the door he saw wasn't a door at all but a coffin lid shutting. This story always reminds me to keep an eye out for danger because you never know when death is coming.

I just watched the awesome trailer for the 1408 Movie below and all I can say is that this movie is a definite theater and DVD viewable for me.

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