
Can people understand the basics...

Here in Toledo there are a few people that can't seem to grasp the concept of trash delayed pick up. The city has been trying to save on spending too much money throughout the year, so they implemented the wait a week after the holiday pick up. What this means is that Toledo city officials have told certain sections of the city that if your trash pick up falls on a holiday that instead of paying the overtime cost to the workers on the following day to pick their trash as well as that day's pick up that it would make better dollar sense to have those affected hold their trash until the following week. Well a few of these folks decided to take the trash out anyways and leave it by the road. Here in Toledo the mayor has asked that when taking out the trash to be picked up the following day to please not bring it out too early the previous day. There is an ordinance that is filed that states if trash is brought out too early before your pick up or left out on the curb for too long you will be given a warning if it is not taken care of soon after then a ticket is handed that I believe is about $75.00. Listen people don't be morons on this issue, we have asked for the city to tighten their belts a bit so that we can meet the budget this year and here they are presenting a system that will save us $40,000 each holiday. Do the math if you have time and you'll see that this makes great sense.

1 comment:

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Tighten their belts, sure.

Howse about hizzoner enacting a moratium on bike paths, tax abatements, and pretty lights?

And while we're at it, what about that roll of ugly fat around Government center, from the 14th to the 22nd floors?

Cutting the administrative fat/bloat by something like 40% might give "We the Sheeple" some incentive to suck it up and tough it out.

No hostility towards you Roman, I'm just venting again, and this just tripped my trigger ;-)