
Sick Twisted Freak: The Glenn Beck Podcast

I have to say that after watching the podcast of Glenn Beck's "Sick Twisted Freak" involving the accidental placement of products throughout our normal everyday shows has had me looking a little harder for the placements. I just watched Heroes tonight and I thought I saw a bottle of Elmers' Glue in Mikah's bedroom. I think Glenn is on to something, with having the Tivo ready at hand to skip commercials - the marketplace is trying other methods. Just keep an eye out for the products that appear on your favorite show, and if you see one - buy the opposite of what the product was - e.g. if Coke comes up then you go and buy Faygo instead. Got it.

Good Luck.

1 comment:

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

I'm soo glad you didn't say Pepsi.

Although I preferred Dr. Pepper if Coke wasn't available and I could still drink regular pop/sodas.